The Splunk Gallery

The community supported collection of Splunk Artifacts, Media, and Stories

This website is not operated by or affiliated with Splunk, Inc.


Do you have rare or interesting Splunk schwag? Do you have interesting Splunk related stories? We’d love to include them as part this collection!

You can contribute by emailing your story and media to submissions at splunkgallery dot com, or you could submit a pull request to the GitHub repository.

If submitting a pull request, make sure you create your own entry in the people collection so we can credit you for your submissions. Anyone involved in the story should also have an entry in the people collection, and be referenced from the story least once using the person.html include so that we can link them to their shenanigans. If you want to test out media links prior to submission you can override mediabase in your page’s front matter, or set url / thumburl for each media item. (Make sure to attach media to the pull request, or email media to the address above). Thumbnails should be 300x300 px.